Where to Ring in 2025 in Belize

Belize Is the Perfect Place to Ring in 2023

There’s still time to book a dream getaway to Belize and celebrate the New Year in the warm, sunny Caribbean.

Belize Knows How to Party

Belize is known for its festivals and celebrations, and few days are as big as New Year’s here. You can head to any village or town to check out the festivities. Better yet, enjoy ringing in the new and sweeping out the old from your private beachfront, pool, or verandah.

Spend the day lounging on the beach in the tropical sunshine. Toast the night with a cold Belize beer or a fruity tropical drink made from Belizean rum. That sounds a lot better than standing in a freezing cold city waiting for the ball to drop.

belize beach vacations

Learn Belizean Traditions

Like every country, Belize has unique traditions for New Year’s Eve. One that we especially like is using a broom to sweep away the problems of the past year and make room for better things.

Belizeans also like to eat round cakes to symbolize the circle of life. You don’t have to take part unless you want to, but why not try it out? You might see your luck improve in 2025.

Eat and Be Merry

Belizean food is always good, but during New Year, we really pull out the stops. Feast on seafood cooked in coconut milk, tamales, rum-soaked fruitcake, and other unique dishes.

Enjoy Life and Laughter

If you’ve had a rough year, it’s time to let it go in the warmth of Belize. From our friendly people to our wonderful food, you’ll find many ways to feed your soul.
Explore the natural beauty that has made Belize famous. Whether you choose to visit a botanical garden, swim in a waterfall, or check out a nature reserve, you’re always surrounded by the healing power of nature.

It’s time to start the New Year with a fresh new perspective. Belize makes it easy to shed your worries and greet the New Year with joy.

How to Take 2 Belize Vacations in One Trip

Enjoy New Year’s Eve at Chabil Mar 

If you’ve decided to greet 2025 in Belize, book at Chabil Mar. On the stunning beaches of the Placencia Peninsula, our luxury resort offers everything you need for a spectacular New Year’s Eve or a 2025 Belize vacation.

Visit our website chabilmarvillas.com for more information on Belize, and don’t hesitate to send us an email, or call US/CAN Toll-Free: 1-866-417-2377, Local: (011-501) 523-3606, if you have questions or need help in planning a Belize vacation.

Belize in February

Belize in February

Belize is gaining recognition as an ideal destination for February travel, known for its extended days bathed in golden sunshine and a wide array of attractions. Its rising popularity as a must-visit location in 2025 is underscored by accolades from leading publications. Additionally, travel to Belize has become more accessible and cost-effective, thanks to recent fare specials from airlines such as JetBlue, Alaska Airlines and SouthWest. These offers, available from multiple U.S. cities, make planning a vacation to Belize in 2025 more enticing and feasible.

Events and Festivals in February

It may not be an official holiday on the calendar, but Valentine’s Day (February 14) is widely celebrated throughout the country.

Definitely don’t miss the San Pedro Carnival. The colorful island town goes to great lengths every year to top itself with concerts, dancing, parades, and food festivals during the week before Lent.

The titleholder of the world’s smallest main street, Placencia uses its iconic four-foot-wide “main street” to host the Placencia Sidewalk Arts and Music Festival every year. Artists from around the country will be on hand to demonstrate their wares, including paintings, handmade furniture, sculpture, clothing, and photographs. Enjoy a smorgasbord of food while dancing to live music.

Things to Do and See in Belize in February

There are plenty of interesting things to do in Belize during the month of February, including:

  1. Celebrate Valentine’s Day with a candlelit dinner under the stars.
  2. Tour ancient Maya ruins like Cahal Pech and Xunantunich.
  3. Let your freak flag fly and participate in Carnaval.
  4. Explore the ATM (Actun Tunichil Muknal) Cave in Cayo District where Maya priests once conducted human sacrifices.
  5. Cross into Guatemala and witness the majesty of Tikal.
  6. Go bird watching or wilderness spotting.
  7. Renew your wedding vows on the beach.
  8. Get married in a breathtakingly beautiful location.
  9. Enjoy snorkeling, scuba diving, fishing, or sailing on the Belize Barrier Reef.
  10. Enjoy an intimate and romantic honeymoon.

Belize Weather in February

Tourism numbers are usually very high in February due to the sunny days and balmy temperatures that are typical for Belize during this month. Expect highs of 80F (27C) and nights that rarely drop below 70F (21C).

Where to Stay in Belize in February

Chabil Mar is a multiple award-winning luxury resort located on the golden sands of the Placencia Peninsula. The resort offers visitors beautiful villas set in a lovely tropical oasis, the perfect winter getaway or place to enjoy a romantic vacation on Valentine’s Day.

Visit our website chabilmarvillas.com for more information on Belize, and don’t hesitate to send us an email, or call US/CAN Toll Free: 1-866-417-2377, Local: (011-501) 523-3606, if you have questions or need help in planning a Belize vacation.

Common Languages Spoken in Belize

As a former British colony, Belize is the only country in Central America where English is the official language. The vast majority of people in Belize speak standard English, but a variety of dialects and other languages are often spoken at home.

These include:


Traditionally spelled Creole, the Kriol dialect (preferred modern spelling) is not a different language than English but a distinct dialect that can be difficult for non-speakers to understand. Many Kriol speakers “code switch,” speaking the Kriol dialect with friends and family and standard English in public.

Approximately one-third of the population speaks the Kriol dialect as their first language.


Located in Central America, Belize has been strongly influenced by Spanish, including groups of self-styled Mestizos (literally “mixed race”) who emigrated in the early 19th century following a civil war in neighboring Mexico.

Today, many people in Belize speak Spanish as a native language, particularly near the Mexican and Guatemalan borders. In addition, some Belizeans speak a “kitchen Spanish,” a simplified version of the language used by people whose first language is English.


The descendants of the ancient Maya that built the impressive pyramids, palaces, and ceremonial sites that dot the Belizean landscape, the Maya in Belize speak three different dialects: Kekchi (various spellings), Mopan, and the increasingly rare Yucatec.

Maya communities tend to be located in rural areas, but most Maya speakers are bilingual in either English or Spanish.


An Afro-Caribbean tongue, Garifuna is a unique language spoken by approximately 4% of the population. The Garifuna tongue is a blend of indigenous Caribbean languages and West African languages and was recognized in 2001 by the United Nations as a valued contribution to the intangible heritage of humanity.


Different than standard high German (Hochdeutsch), the German spoken in Belize is predominantly the Plautdietsch or Mennonite Low German variety similar to the Pennsylvania Dutch spoken by Amish communities in the United States. Belize has a well-established Mennonite community consisting of several villages and towns.

Most German-speaking Mennonites in Belize are also bilingual in English.

Chinese and Arabic

Belize has a small but well-established community of Chinese communities located primarily in urban areas. Originally brought into the country as an unskilled labor force, the Chinese community of Belize soon expanded into more entrepreneurial activities.

Predominantly hailing from Lebanon, there is also a small Arabic-speaking community in Belize.

For more information about Belize, feel free to chat with our Concierge at: concierge@chabilmarvillas.com or contact our Reservations Manager at: reservations@chabilmarvillas.com. Or perhaps you would like to call toll free from the US or Canada: 1-866-417-2377.


Accomplish Your Bucket List Adventures (and more!) by Vacationing in Belize

Accomplish Your Bucket List Adventures (and more!) by Vacationing in Belize

If adventure travel either tops your bucket list or appears so many times on that list, you qualify as a true adventure-seeker, you’re in good company, say statisticians at Leisure Group Travel who took the temperatures of intrepid nomads to learn which respondents prefer destinations and activities on the wild side. The trend toward adventure travel ticked up even before COVID came along and interrupted our lives. 

With the diminution of risk, adventure travel kicked into high gear, showing annual market growth of 65% say, industry experts. A surprising 57% of these folks are male and nearly half are single! While the average age of people who restrict their adventures to hammocks is around 41, true adventure seekers are more likely to be age 36. 

Of course, age is relative, and medical advances plus lifestyle improvements keep North Americans in better shape than ever, so there are plenty of adventurers metaphorically blowing out 70 candles on their birthday cakes before heading to their next ziplining challenge. That said, adventurers of all ages find the epicenter of heart-pounding options in Belize, the nation offering enough variety for every thrill-seeker. 

What can adventures do for your self-confidence?

Behavioral specialists use adventures as therapy for folks of all ages who want to make positive changes in their lives. If that describes you, count these among the reasons to undertake the challenges on your bucket list. Adventure travel:

•Improves self-esteem every time a traveler steps outside their comfort zone. 

•Delivers feelings of accomplishment that have no equal.

•Instills confidence every time one achieves success undertaking “impossible” tasks. 

•Adventure travel benefits are transferable to every aspect of one’s life. 

The secret to great adventures? A home base, of course

Between cave drops, waterfall repelling, deep sea diving, and trekking through architecture left behind by the ancient Mayas, filling a list with adventures is easy to do if you book the right Belize resort for your stay. At Chabil Mar Resort, access to adventures starts with a Belize vacation package that provides the basics so you can focus on your mission. Chabil Mar’s vacation package combination of Jungle, Sea, and Island will impress you.

Belize Adventure Travel

Since accommodations, meals, and onsite activities—two beachside infinity swimming pools and access to complimentary kayaks, paddle boards, and bicycles—are all included with your package, only time and energy levels will limit your personal itinerary.

Belize Adventure

Don’t currently have a bucket list? If you’re not impelled to make one now that you know where to try your hand at fetes that scare you, perhaps the time has come, now that you know where to get your adventure fix and the benefits you glean by turning that list into an action plan. Life-changing opportunities like this one don’t come along every day, but you can launch yours by visiting the Chabil Mar contact page to begin your exciting quest!

5 Belizean Festivals You Simply Cannot Miss In 2025

One of the great things about visiting Belize is that there’s always something going on. No matter what time of year you come to Belize, you can join in on the fun with one of the country’s many exciting festivals, holidays, and events.

Here are 5 festivals in Belize that you shouldn’t miss in 2025.

Placencia Lobsterfest

Summer kicks off with style every July on the Placencia Peninsula with a festive three-day party that celebrates the mighty lobster. Local chefs compete to create the most savory dish from the world’s favorite crustacean while diners work to burn off all those extra calories with fun games, live music, and a beach party that lasts until dawn. There’s plenty for the whole family to enjoy, including other seafood treats, face painting, and homemade handicrafts and artwork for sale.

In 2025, the Lobsterfest in Placencia will run from July 4th to 6th.

September Celebrations

Belize Flag

Sometimes it seems as though the entire month of September is one big holiday. Beginning on September 10, the national holiday of St. George’s Caye Day celebrates the historic 1798 triumph of British settlers over a Spanish armada which led to Belize becoming the only English-speaking country in the region. Patriotic celebrations, parades, and red, white, and blue (the national colors of Belize) festooned everywhere culminating with the big bang on September 21, Independence Day, celebrating the moment in 1981 when Belize became a free and independent nation.

Garifuna Settlement Day

More than 200 years ago, the Garifuna people were exiled from their Caribbean home after an uprising against the British. Seeking sanctuary, the Garifuna arrived in Belize on a fleet of dugout canoes, an event which is re-enacted on the morning of November 19 every year for the national holiday of Garifuna Settlement Day. Although the Garifuna compromise only 4% of Belize’s population, their contribution to music, dance, and food has the whole country celebrating on November 19.

Mango Festival in Hopkins

Many consider the mango to be the tastiest tropical fruit grown in Belize, and the idyllic coastal village of Hopkins grows no fewer than 20 different varieties. Besides all the tasty fruit and mango-themed dishes, there’s live music, games, contests, and dancing in the street to herald the arrival of the mango crop.

In 2025, the Hopkins Mangofest is scheduled for the first week in June.

Belize Chocolate Festival

belize chocolate festival

The Chocolate Festival of Belize is set to make a tantalizing comeback in Toledo from May 16th to 18th, 2025. Celebrating Belize’s rich, ancient chocolate heritage, this festival promises an indulgent journey through the world of cacao. Visitors can look forward to a delectable array of chocolate-themed events, tastings, and cultural experiences, showcasing the unique flavors and traditions of Belizean chocolate.

It’s an unmissable event for chocolate enthusiasts and cultural explorers alike.

For more information about Belize, feel free to chat with our Concierge at: concierge@chabilmarvillas.com or contact our Reservations Manager at: reservations@chabilmarvillas.com. Or perhaps you would like to call toll free from the US or Canada: 1-866-417-2377.

