Make 2020 the Year You Dive with Belize Whale Sharks
If you’ve heard enough jokes referring to bottom-feeding lawyers nicknamed sharks, it’s time to give these magnificent ocean creatures the respect they deserve by preparing yourself to undertake the challenge of a lifetime in 2020. How? By going whale shark diving in Belize.
Scared? A little bit of fear is a healthy reaction, but keep this in mind: Belize is home to a thriving aqua-tourism industry offering snorkeling and diving experiences to visitors from around the globe. Would these ventures be as popular, heavily booked and safe if divers didn’t return home with all body parts intact?
How can you be part of the great whale shark swim adventure? By grabbing your calendar right now and checking to see when you can get away during Belize’s shark season: during full moon spans of spring and early summer that, in 2020, run from March 23rd to April 3rd; April 22nd to May 3rd; May 21st to June 1st and from June 20th to July 1st.
What can you expect if you travel to Belize to indulge your inner Cousteau by participating in an exciting shark dive? Frankly, it could come down to where you decide to stay because these seasonal excursions can book up early, and you might need an “in,” courtesy of your host resort. That’s why we recommend Chabil Mar Villas where all of your arrangements can be made at the time you book your rooms.
Chabil Mar will delight you, even if your primary purpose for staying there is to cavort with those whale sharks: Villas are beautifully appointed, private verandas lush and romantic and you don’t have to leave the resort for anything other than your shark diving excursions because Chabil Mar’s onsite restaurant, pool, spa services and beaches are guaranteed to delight all of your senses.
If you want to see more of Belize while you’re here, your Chabil Mar host is happy to send you off on hiking trails, to nature preserves, Mayan ruins treks and cave exploring and you won’t have to lift a finger to make arrangements if you choose the resort’s Whale Shark Dive Package.
This adventure package consists of three whale shark dives, two Belize Barrier Reef dives and accommodations for seven nights. On the days you don’t dive, soak up sun and breezes on the beach or partake of the vast menu of land-based tours available throughout Belize.
If this all sounds heavenly, we urge you to act now. Given short windows of time when these gentle giants are in the waters off Belize—and the likelihood that more and more repeat visitors will return in 2021 to relive their previous shark diving experiences—you risk disappointment if you don’t secure your place.
Once that’s done, be prepared to immerse yourself in the rarified environs of the Gladden Spit Marine Reserve where the whale sharks gather. Your visit is likely to change the way you view the natural order of things beneath the sea and the excitement you feel when you meet these creatures can’t be compared to any other experience you have in your lifetime.
For more information about diving with whale sharks in Belize, feel free to chat with our Concierge at: concierge{@}chabilmarvillas.com or contact our Reservations Manager at:reservations{@}chabilmarvillas.com. Or perhaps you would like to call toll free from the US or Canada: 1-866-417-2377.
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