Remember back in the day when airlines staged price wars and it became a game to predict which carrier would capitulate first when the race was on to compete for passengers? Well, we’ve got breaking news for you if the only reason you haven’t made arrangements to visit Belize this summer has to do with airfares: A traveler, who wishes to remain anonymous so people who have spent more on their round trip tickets to Belize this summer don’t hate him, confides that he just paid $350 USD for a nonstop round trip!
You want a deal too, and we want to make sure you get one, so here’s the skinny on getting your fine self to Belize during green season, between June and October, and having enough money left in your bank account to splurge on everything else once you arrive. Figure out which of the following work best for you:
On May 26th 2015, American Airlines added additional flights to its current schedule linking Belize City with Los Angeles every Saturday and Sunday. Look for the red and blue logo on 737-800 plane fuselages as service is stepped up to meet increasing demand brought about by Belize’s growing reputation for summer fun on a shoestring.
Flights leave LA at 12:30 a.m. and arrive at 6:10 a.m., so you can snooze all the way here and grab a delish Belize breakfast once you land. Live further north? Heed the advice of Reserve your $269 USD, round trop Seattle to Belize City tickets immediately (!
But, suppose you don’t want to visit Belize until later in the summer because you’re still wrestling your work load to the mat. Be advised that you risk losing the deal of a lifetime if you live in Dallas. Delta Airlines is offering round trip tickets to Belize City priced at $279 USD and that price is valid from June to December, throughout Belize’s green season.
But you know how fickle carriers can be! Delta earmarked limited numbers of promotional seats, so if you want to make sure your posterior winds up in one, rethink your calendar now and go to to settle your flight arrangements.
If you simply can’t juggle your priorities at present and won’t be able to travel until summer’s end for myriad reasons, please don’t throw yourself a pity party. It will still be green season when Southwest Airline’s October Houston to Belize service kicks in. How could they ignore the trend when so many other carriers are making beelines to Belize? Get in on the ground floor by visiting for ticketing now.
The hard part’s done. You’ve snared tickets and incurred the envy of everyone you know when you mention how affordable your tickets to Belize were. Want to make them livid? Confide that your airline tickets were just the beginning as you describe your stay at a luxury, award-winning resort like Chabil Mar in Placencia Village where all-inclusive packages between June and October can’t be beat:
Chabil Mar is Eden without the snakes. The rooms are gorgeous. The food–spectacular. And you can take in as many sites as you wish thanks to all of the cash you saved by traveling to Belize during the green season when you can fly and stay in the lap of luxury, even on the smallest salary!
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