June, July and August Are The Best Times To Visit Belize

june july and august best times to visit belize

There is plenty of evidence floating around the scientific community saying that short summer vacations are just as beneficial as long ones, but that’s not realistic. If you’ve got a couple of weeks or perhaps a month to wind down, relax and get your fill of rest, relaxation and adventure, why wouldn’t you have a better experience than those who barely begin to wind down after a full week away from the office?

Whether your schedule allows you to travel for a couple of weeks, a month or the entire summer, take the word of seasoned travelers who swear that long trips rule! But the secret to having a spectacular sojourn is to find a place that maximizes your dollar so what most tourists spend per week during high season lasts for several weeks instead. 

Placencia, Belize is fast becoming the ideal destination for folks who find Ambergris Caye too hectic and smaller cayes too primitive. It’s the home of Chabil Mar, the resort that’s as gorgeous in person as it is in pictures, and since prices drop dramatically during June, July and August, you get an extended holiday without spending an extra penny. 

summer belize all inclusive vacations
What can you do during your extended summer stay?
-Stroll the 16-mile-long peninsula minus the annoying crowds
-Celebrate the opening of the Placencia Lobster Season
-Dive with whale sharks in early summer–before they migrate
-See Cockscomb Basin Nature Reserve where endangered jaguars reside
-Tour ancient Maya ruins or take a boat safari up Monkey River
-Get to know Belize’s warm Garifuna people, lively music and yummy cuisine. 

What’s your pleasure? Chabil Mar options are varied and include gorgeous villas, gourmet meals, resort-specific amenities and combinations of sea, island, jungle and rainforest specials that include the aforementioned options. The longer you stay, the more relaxed you get and the more money you save. 

Consider the following amazing deals:


1. Military Discounts

Enjoy a 15% discount on the villa rate, available all year long as our way of saying, “Thank you for your service.”

2. Spring Free Special

Effective Dates: May 1 through September 30, 2024

**** FREE NIGHT Special

OFFER: For every 4 nights booked get 1 addiitonal night Free

AKA: Book 4 Nights, Stay for 5 Nights or Book 8 nights, Stay for 10 Nights

All special rates are subject to availability and are limited-time offers.

where to stay in belize this summer

Chabil Mar is a small, intimate, posh resort, so once extended stay accommodations are gone, you will have to wait for next summer to enjoy reduced rates. In other words, the time to act is now and a good place to start is by browsing your options on the Chabil Mar site’s package menu where seeing is believing.

By the way, If you also happen to be a member of the military, you’re eligible to receive a 15-percent, year-round rate reduction during every Chabil Mar stay (as long as accommodations are available) because we appreciate everything you do for your country and want to say thank you. 

Don’t let anyone convince you that short vacations are as terrific as long ones, because it’s just not true. This could be your opportunity to make that dream happen so what are you waiting for? Your June, July or August dream vacation awaits and at discounts that are as delightful as your extended Chabil Mar stay!

For information about  Belize, feel free to chat with our Concierge at: concierge{@}chabilmarvillas.com or contact our Reservations Manager at:reservations{@}chabilmarvillas.com. Or perhaps you would like to call toll free from the US or Canada: 1-866-417-2377.

Placencia Has the Best Diving Spots in Belize

Find The Best Diving Spots in Placencia Belize
Find The Best Diving Spots in Placencia Belize

Thanks to a combination of nature’s richness and a history of being protected from boats and commercial fishing, the waters off of the Placencia Peninsula have some of the best diving spots in all of Belize.

The southern part of the Belize Barrier Reef offshore from Placencia is farther away from the mainland and is formed of a large patchwork of different coral channels. Some of these channels are 80 feet deep or more and form a maze of underwater canyons that rise to the surface in the form of shoals, atolls and cayes (islands). This mixture of deep and shallow offers easy access for snorkeling while divers can easily access the deeper areas nearby.

The Inner Barrier Reef

The inner reef serves as a sheltering home where juvenile animals are spawned and spend the early part of their lives. Divers can see juvenile drum fish, barracudas, eagle rays, and sting rays. Adult animals who call the inner reef home include sea rods, seawips, cleaner shrimp, arrow crabs and giant hermit crabs in waters ranging between 60 and 80 feet deep.

The Outer Barrier Reef

Deep underwater canyons start around 35 feet deep and drop off to approximately 3000 feet, giving divers plenty of room to see a startling array of marine life. Diving in this area is restricted to 120 feet due to visibility, and it is possible to see sea turtles, moray eels, lobsters and manta rays. Outer reef diving spots includes Silk Caye, Ranguana and Tarpon Cayes, along with approximately 40 other nearby islands.

Gladden Spit

whale sharks in belizeThis tiny patch of land is the best place in the world to see migrating whale sharks when they arrive in Belizean waters between March and June. The largest species of fish in the oceans, some whale sharks can weigh up to 15 tons and measure more than 50 feet long. Because of the whale sharks’ unique feeding habits, they rise to the surface following a lunar cycle and can only be seen three days prior to the full moon until three days following the last quarter moon. Diving to see the whale sharks is done in relatively shallow water of 60 feet or less. Snorkeling on the surface gives a great chance to get close to the whale sharks as they feed on fish spawn.

Snorkeling is also spectacular in Placencia

Off the coast of Placencia, you can find a number of small cayes that are great for snorkeling. Laughing Bird Caye and Silk Caye are two tropical and beautiful cayes that offer amazing snorkeling experiences. Adventure travelers will enjoy swimming with trumpet fish, rays, parrot fish, angelfish and many varieties of tropical fish at both of these cayes.

For more information about scuba diving and snorkeling in Placencia Belize, feel free to chat with our Concierge at: concierge@chabilmarvillas.com or contact our Reservations Manager at:reservations@chabilmarvillas.com. Or perhaps you would like to call toll free from the US or Canada: 1-866-417-2377.

Tikal Mayan Ruins in Guatemala


Although today Tikal is an isolated site located deep within the jungles of Tikal National Park in Guatemala’s El Peten department, more than 1,400 years ago Tikal was a powerful city-state that dominated the Maya world.

Tikal was declared a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1979 in recognition of the superb public squares, palaces, and enormous temples that have survived intact for more than a millennia in the jungle. Probably the most famous building in Tikal are the five enormous temples that dominate the landscape. Temple IV (four) is the the largest pyramid ever built by the Maya and measures more than 230 feet (70 meters) tall. The adjacent Temple V (five) is nearly as tall, measuring 187 feet (57 meters) tall. All of the principal pyramids and temples were built to honor special dates in the Maya calendar and were used for special religious ceremonies.

Tikal was first founded in the Preclassic Period (around 800 BC) and grew to be one of the dominant city-states in the Maya Empire before it was abandoned around 900 A.D. The greater Tikal complex is a protected bio-reserve of more than 57,600 hectares (142,000 acres) of wetlands, forests, and jungle that harbor a wide spectrum of plants and animals including 300 species of birds, a half-dozen species of monkeys, and five great cat species, including the Jaguar and Puma.

Beyond the impressive temples and pyramids that have made Tikal such an iconic location, visitors can explore more than 400 hectares (1,000 acres) of roads, terraces, public squares, ball game courts, and residences, many of which are covered in elaborate stone carvings or painted with Maya hieroglyphics that describe the history of the city. One of the most popular attractions in Tikal is known as the “Lost World” complex (“Mundo Perdido” in Spanish) that sits just southwest of Temples I and II. Many of Tikal’s ruling elite were buried in the cemetery adjacent to the site.

During its long history, Tikal had an active relationship with such important sites as Teotihuacan (later the Aztec capital) and Calakmul in Mexico, Copan in Honduras, and Caracol in Belize. Tikal is widely recognized for its wealth of art, unparalleled architecture, and large-scale engineering that demonstrate the genius of the ancient Maya.

Sanctuary of the Nine Maya Gods

To experience Tikal and a Guatemala/Belize holiday at its finest, Chabil Mar offers a complete vacation package that includes seven nights at luxury resorts, transportation, and a boat trip across the fabulous Mystic Lake Peten Itza to the see Tikal and the surrounding area.


17 Things to Do While Visiting Placencia Belize


Should you stay on mainland Belize or one of the islands? Do both by vacationing on the Placencia peninsula. Find 16 miles of beach, a lush lagoon surrounded by mountains plus access to the Caribbean Sea if you stay at one of Placencia’s coziest resorts, Chabil Mar. With their help making arrangements, the following 17 ideas should just get you started.

1. Meet the people. Placencia residents have deep roots: English, Spanish, and Mayan, to name a few. They’re charming, helpful, eager and happy to introduce their communities, so walk about and get the lay of the land.

2. Rent a beach cruiser bike. It will take you further than your feet along beautiful landscape and vistas that amaze and inspire. Placencia was once a fishing village; you’ll spots lots of era reminders as you ride.

3. Meet the Garifuna people in Seine Bight. Learn about their lifestyle through their art, music, folklore and cuisine, and you won’t leave hungry!

4. Request a dive day tailored to your specific interests by asking Chabil Mar staff to explain your trip options. The reef is just 17 miles away; spot tropical fish species so vivid, the colors don’t seem real.

5. Go whale shark spotting when there’s a full moon if you visit between April and June or dive with these gentle creatures near the Gladden Spit if you’re looking to prove your prowess.

6. Try your hand at kayaking around Laughing Bird Caye. Pitch a tent here overnight for full access to the water day and night.

7. Ask Chabil Mar staff to book a 36-foot catamaran adventure that includes either diving or deep sea fishing. Even lunches are brought on board so you don’t starve.

8. Dine at a private restaurant. Placencia families set up little home restaurants on patios that stretch along a path between the lagoon and the beach. Order the specialty of the house: stewed chicken with rice and beans.

9. Make a wildlife pilgrimage to the Placencia lagoon. This unique breeding ground hosts endangered manatees, crocodile species, marine turtles and some types of rays within this nutrient-rich wetland.

10. Your Chabil Mar concierge will be happy to arrange a Monkey River Tour that includes sailing into lush jungle to spot turtles, fish, iguanas and other local wildlife.

11. Visit Cockscomb Basin Wildlife Sanctuary where jaguar, jaguarondi, margay, ocelot and puma—all five indigenous cats—roam the protected 128,000-acre jungle preserve.

12. Go bird watching, whether you’re a fan of the hobby or not. There are around 300 species in all, some not seen elsewhere in the hemisphere, like the brilliant Scarlet Macaw.

13. Climb a mountain or just stay at the base to observe water crashing to earth from some of Belize’s most photogenic waterfalls. You’ll be inspired.

14. Get wet riding a rubber inner tube while cave tubing, a sport that’s relaxing and exciting if you float into caves with prehistoric-looking interiors that also hold Mayan artifacts.

15. Take photos. Placencia sunrises and sunsets are spectacular, as are the jungles, wildlife preserves and natural wonders that never met a camera they couldn’t seduce.

16. Visit the Creole village of Independence by ferry to stroll fruit plantations. If you’re in town for Valentine’s Day, don’t miss the 50-artist Placencia Peninsula Arts Festival on Main Street.

17. Grab a map and see Placencia by bicycle. Where to get the map and the bike? From your friends at Chabil Mar. They’re so helpful, they might ride that bike to your room if you ask them to!

Visit our website chabilmarvillas.com for more information on Placencia and Belize, and don’t hesitate to send us an email, or call US/CAN Toll Free: 1-866-417-2377, Local: (011-501) 523-3606, if you have questions or need help in planning a Belize vacation.

Sun, Sand, and Spectacular Dives: Your Belize Summer Vacation Awaits

Summer is here, and if you’re dreaming of crystal-clear turquoise waters, vibrant coral reefs teeming with life, and underwater encounters that will leave you breathless, then Belize is calling your name. With the magnificent Belize Barrier Reef, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, just a stone’s throw away from our shores, it’s no wonder this tropical paradise is a haven for divers and snorkelers alike. So, grab your gear and let’s plunge into the underwater wonderland that awaits you in Belize this summer.

The Belize Barrier Reef: A Natural Masterpiece

 Coral reef exploration

The Belize Barrier Reef is not just a reef; it’s a masterpiece of nature. Stretching over 180 miles, it’s the second-largest barrier reef in the world and a kaleidoscope of colors, textures, and marine life. Prepare to be amazed by the sheer diversity of coral formations, from delicate branching corals swaying in the current to massive brain corals that have stood the test of time. This underwater spectacle is a testament to the raw beauty and power of nature.

Beyond the mesmerizing corals, the Belize Barrier Reef is a bustling metropolis of marine life. Graceful sea turtles glide through the water, playful dolphins frolic in the waves, and schools of fish shimmer like rainbows in the sunlight. Keep your eyes peeled for the elusive manatee, a gentle giant that grazes on seagrass beds, and if luck is on your side, you might even catch a glimpse of the majestic whale shark, the largest fish in the world. These encounters are not just sightings; they’re heart-pounding, soul-stirring connections with the natural world.

Beyond the Reef: Submerged Caves and the Great Blue Hole

 Belize underwater world

Belize’s underwater adventures extend beyond the reef. For the intrepid explorers, the St. Herman’s Blue Hole National Park offers a network of underwater caves waiting to be discovered. Dive into these ancient limestone caverns, adorned with stalactites and stalagmites, and feel like you’ve stepped into another world. And then there’s the legendary Great Blue Hole, a giant submarine sinkhole that beckons divers from around the globe. Descending into this natural wonder is like entering an underwater cathedral, its walls plunging into the abyss and its depths teeming with marine life.

Summer: The Perfect Time to Dive In

Belize reef tours

Summer is an ideal time to experience Belize’s underwater treasures. The warm, calm waters offer exceptional visibility, making it a breeze to explore the reef’s intricate details and spot its many inhabitants. Plus, summer coincides with the breeding season for many marine species, increasing your chances of witnessing vibrant displays of courtship and new life. The summer months truly bring the reef to life.

Chabil Mar: Your Dive into Luxury and Adventure

Chabil Mar Villas

After a day of underwater exploration, retreat to the luxurious embrace of Chabil Mar, your beachfront oasis on the Placencia Peninsula. Our villas offer the perfect blend of comfort and elegance, with spacious living areas, private plunge pools, and stunning views of the Caribbean Sea. Our dedicated staff will ensure your every need is met, from arranging diving and snorkeling excursions to recommending the best local restaurants and activities.

Whether you’re a seasoned diver seeking new challenges or a snorkeler eager to dip your toes into the underwater world, Belize’s summer diving and snorkeling experiences are sure to leave you spellbound. At Chabil Mar, we’re passionate about providing our guests with unforgettable adventures, and we can’t wait to share the magic of Belize’s underwater realm with you.

Visit our website chabilmarvillas.com for more information on Belize, and don’t hesitate to send us an email, or call US/CAN Toll Free: 1-866-417-2377, Local: (011-501) 523-3606, if you have questions or need help in planning a Belize summer vacation.
