Despite living in a society where everything seems replaceable, Earth will never belong in that category! Fortunately, society is feeling more responsible for polluted oceans, bad air quality and endangered species, so it’s no shock that eco-tourism has become a hot trend that shows no sign of dissipating any time soon.
Would it surprise you to learn that one of the smallest Central American nations has proven to be a beacon of light in terms of protecting the earth’s natural treasures? Belize’s eco-friendly tourism efforts are fast becoming models for the world, proving that even small nations can lead a big movement.
Not sure what it means to be an eco-friendly destination? Consider these admirable contributions to the Earth’s health and welfare, each one a shining example of Belize’s commitment to protecting its natural resources:
-Belize is home to a wealth of eco-tours that educate visitors. Tourists can check out wildlife refuges and sanctuaries, horseback ride and zip line over jungle canopies, hike waterfalls and get to know the nation’s critters, from jaguars and Howler monkeys to manatees, birds and iguanas during their Belize vacation.
-Since nearly three-quarters of Belize is covered by forest, creatures enjoy secure homes within these vast green expanses, and because there are 900 ancient Maya ruins in Belize – many of them tucked into jungles and forests – visitors learn more about the nation’s first societies, too.
-The Belize government sets a shining example for the world. In 2018, off-shore drilling was halted. Plastic was banned in 2019 and one of the most aggressive Covid precautionary codes for resorts and attractions was launched to keep tourists safe despite the pandemic.
-The biggest accomplishment of all? Helping remove the Belize Barrier Reef from UNESCO’s endangered list. Is it any wonder National Geographic uses Belize as a prime example of a nation dedicated to Mother Earth?
Where to stay in Belize? At this Placencia Belize Resort!
Belize has become an epicenter of responsibility and the tourism industry followed suit. Emphasizing sustainability, lodgings and resorts are great examples of how to protect the earth’s resources. Chabil Mar, a boutique luxury resort located on the Placencia peninsula, offers tours and experiences aimed at vacationers who want to know more about the nation’s ecological efforts.
Tours on Chabil Mar’s menu are eclectic and include destinations matching those referenced above, and if you choose a Belize vacation package or opt for a resort special, you pay just one price that includes delicious meals.
What to do during your Belize vacation at Chabil Mar when you’re not learning more about Belize ecology? Chabil Mar has two infinity pools and guests have access to kayaks, paddleboards, and bikes at no charge. The nearby village of Placencia Belize is a must-visit, too.
See what awaits and is all-included from the moment you arrive. Guests call it paradise. Knowing what you now know about the nation’s commitment to Earth, you’ll call it paradise, too.
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