USA Today: Belize Among Safest Places to Vacation!


Belize Is A Safe Places to Vacation

“USA Today” recently unveiled a list of countries that will both accept Americans looking to go vacationing and happen to be a safe place to visit during COVID-19.

Each of the countries featured in the article was profiled, including how they handle travel regulations and stipulations regarding testing. In news that should be surprising to no local, Belize was regarded as one of the safest vacation venues on the list. But just because a place is safe to visit, does it have plenty to offer? Keep reading to see just much you have to look forward to coming to Belize.

Before we get into the juicy details, you should know the specifics required to enter. Coming to this country requires you to present a negative COVID-19 test result, either on the day you enter the country or from a test you took while within the airport. You must also submit to a second test, that produces a negative result before you can return home.

Top Attractions To Explore When You Visit

  • ATM Cave. “The Cave of the Crystal Sepulchre” is a cave system that houses several Maya remains, stoneware artifacts and its namesake, the crystallized remains of a sacrifice.
  • The Belize Barrier Reef. This is the second-largest barrier reef on the planet and provides shelter and food for a sweeping array of hundreds of sea creatures. It is also where you can find the next item on this list of Belize’s best hits. This area is also a great spot if you fancy any sort of aquatic activity, be it fishing or diving.
  • The Great Blue Hole. This underwater sinkhole is attached to the Belize Barrier Reef and deep enough to produce a gorgeous disparity in color when viewed from above. Much like the Belize Barrier Reef, this place is home to a large variety of sealife, including several species of coral that you can freely observe by diving.
  • Lubantuum and Nim Li Punit. These ruins, in the south of the country, were the most prominent centers of influence and population for the ancient Maya.

Belize Among Safest Places to Vacation

Note that another stipulation of being able to visit Belize is booking your stay with a COVID-19 safe, Gold standard hotel or resort. To that end, please consider staying at Chabil Mar.

Chabil Mar is an award-winning resort in Placencia, Belize, that can cover almost every need for every guest.

For more information about Belize and Chabil Mar, feel free to chat with our Concierge at or contact our Reservations Manager at Or perhaps you would like to call toll free from the US or Canada: 1-866-417-2377 or WhatsApp us at +501-633-7547.  

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