Placencia Has the Best Diving Spots in Belize

Find The Best Diving Spots in Placencia Belize
Find The Best Diving Spots in Placencia Belize

Thanks to a combination of nature’s richness and a history of being protected from boats and commercial fishing, the waters off of the Placencia Peninsula have some of the best diving spots in all of Belize.

The southern part of the Belize Barrier Reef offshore from Placencia is farther away from the mainland and is formed of a large patchwork of different coral channels. Some of these channels are 80 feet deep or more and form a maze of underwater canyons that rise to the surface in the form of shoals, atolls and cayes (islands). This mixture of deep and shallow offers easy access for snorkeling while divers can easily access the deeper areas nearby.

The Inner Barrier Reef

The inner reef serves as a sheltering home where juvenile animals are spawned and spend the early part of their lives. Divers can see juvenile drum fish, barracudas, eagle rays, and sting rays. Adult animals who call the inner reef home include sea rods, seawips, cleaner shrimp, arrow crabs and giant hermit crabs in waters ranging between 60 and 80 feet deep.

The Outer Barrier Reef

Deep underwater canyons start around 35 feet deep and drop off to approximately 3000 feet, giving divers plenty of room to see a startling array of marine life. Diving in this area is restricted to 120 feet due to visibility, and it is possible to see sea turtles, moray eels, lobsters and manta rays. Outer reef diving spots includes Silk Caye, Ranguana and Tarpon Cayes, along with approximately 40 other nearby islands.

Gladden Spit

whale sharks in belizeThis tiny patch of land is the best place in the world to see migrating whale sharks when they arrive in Belizean waters between March and June. The largest species of fish in the oceans, some whale sharks can weigh up to 15 tons and measure more than 50 feet long. Because of the whale sharks’ unique feeding habits, they rise to the surface following a lunar cycle and can only be seen three days prior to the full moon until three days following the last quarter moon. Diving to see the whale sharks is done in relatively shallow water of 60 feet or less. Snorkeling on the surface gives a great chance to get close to the whale sharks as they feed on fish spawn.

Snorkeling is also spectacular in Placencia

Off the coast of Placencia, you can find a number of small cayes that are great for snorkeling. Laughing Bird Caye and Silk Caye are two tropical and beautiful cayes that offer amazing snorkeling experiences. Adventure travelers will enjoy swimming with trumpet fish, rays, parrot fish, angelfish and many varieties of tropical fish at both of these cayes.

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