Belize is a small country nestled in the heart of the ancient Mayan civilization where lush tropical and jungle mountain terrain leads down to long stretches of beautiful beach fronts and extends into the amazing Meso-American barrier reef, the second largest barrier reef system in the world.
It is a place where worlds collide, and diversity is the norm. Belize has been praised and heralded for its natural beauty and wonders. It is home to several UNESCO World Heritage sites, including the Great Blue Hole, a site which Jacque Cousteau, the French naval officer, explorer, conservationist, filmmaker, innovator, scientist, photographer, author and researcher made famous internationally.
In 1971, Cousteau brought his ship, the Calypso, to the hole to chart its depths. After his in depth study of the natural formation, he declared the Great Blue Hole one of the top 10 scuba diving destinations in the world.

More than 40 years later, his granddaughter Alexandra Cousteau, who serves as a senior advisor to Oceana, has returned to Belize several times and has noted that unlike many of the other places she has traveled to cover the course of her expeditions with her father and on her own, Belize’s marine environment remains in pristine condition, with very little changes and damage to its eco-system.
She commends Belize for its dedication to preserving the natural wonders of the sea and applauded the government for its recent decision to ban offshore oil drilling.
“My husband and I fell in love in Belize and with Belize. This is where he and I took our first trip together. This is also where I taught him how to dive. Later, our daughter touched the ocean for the first time in Belize. Now, we’re looking forward to bringing our newborn son to Belize. Belize is one of those places that just feels so much like home to me,” Cousteau said.
Belize’ marine environment is world class and attracts thousands of travelers from all over the world each year who come to explore and experience. Cousteau believes this is worth preserving and thinks Belize has done an exceptional job and must continue to promote eco-tourism and sustainable development.
Much of Belize’s international appeal is based on eco-tourism and the many pristine wonders the country has to offer. 2016 is expected to be another great year for tourism in Belize also, as several new airlines and routes to Belize have opened even more markets to the country.
Airports and overnight arrivals are expected to see significant increases, especially with the introduction of Southwest Airlines’ cheap airfare rates, which is expected to create competition and see airfare become even more affordable. Kayak.com has reported that airfare is down 20 percent compared to the rates in 2014.
Belize is a tropical paradise with something for everyone – from scuba diving to exploring the marine environment, sailing in the vivid blue Caribbean Sea, snorkeling or visiting Laughing Bird Caye, which was voted by TripAdvisor this year as one of the best places to visit when staying in Placencia. Visiting Belize is truly a lifetime experience.
For those more inclined to land-based activities visitors can explore inland Belize which is home to a plethora of birds, pristine rainforests, jungle rivers, an abudance of ancient Maya cities like Caracol and Cahal Pech. Caves like Actun Tunichil Muknal and Barton Creek are ranked among the top sacred caves in the world.
Chabil Mar the guest exclusive resort on the Placencia peninsula offers a premium 7-night package to scuba dive at the site Jacques Cousteau made famous and has partnered with the award winning dive centers of Placencia village to provide a bountiful combination of dive services.
Travelers who wish to enjoy the wonders of Belize will definitely enjoy a stay a Chabil Mar and would certainly bask in the breath-taking experiences Belize has to offer.
“It only takes one visit to Belize to understand why Belize needs to be protected. I’m proud to support Oceana in its efforts to protect beautiful Belize for future generations of Belizeans and for citizens around the world”, says Alexandra Cousteau.
For more information about traveling to Belize, feel free to chat with our Concierge at: concierge{@}chabilmarvillas.com or contact our Reservations Manager at:reservations{@}chabilmarvillas.com. Or perhaps you would like to call toll free from the US or Canada: 1-866-417-2377.