Is Belize Worth Visiting In 2024?

Is Belize worth visiting? Ask anyone who has ever visited Belize, and they’ll give you a resounding yes! Whether you want to explore ancient Maya cities, snorkel and scuba dive on the gorgeous Belize Barrier Reef, relax to the gentle rhythms of Caribbean life, hike through unspoiled rainforests, canoe down jungle rivers, or eat fresh-caught seafood, then Belize is the place for you.

Just in case you’re not convinced, here are 10 great reasons to visit Belize:

Scuba Diving

In the 1970s, celebrated marine biologist Jacques Cousteau visited Belize and instantly fell in love with the diving opportunities here, naming the Belize Blue Hole (sometimes known as the Great Blue Hole) as one of his top 10 favorite diving spots in the world.

Maya Caves and Cities

Belize was the heartland of the ancient Maya civilization and is now home to more than 600 sites, including sacred caves and enormous pyramids that are still the largest manmade structures in the country.

The Belize Barrier Reef

The second-largest barrier reef after Australia’s Great Barrier Reef, the Belize Barrier Reef is home to thousands of islands and atolls where you can sail, fish, scuba dive, snorkel, or simply enjoy a wonderful beachfront cookout.


More than half of Belize is a protected nature reserve, park, or animal reserve. Enjoy spotting rare avian species or some of Central America’s last remaining big cats as you travel through breathtakingly beautiful rainforests, jungles, wetlands, beaches, mountains, and rivers.


Vast trackless wildernesses such as the Cockscomb Basin Nature Reserve give visitors a chance to reconnect with the great outdoors while admiring interesting wildlife species such as tapirs, giant iguanas, and monkeys.

Whale Sharks

There are no man-eating great white sharks in Belize, but you can enjoy the unforgettable experience of diving with whale sharks (the largest fish in the ocean) near Gladden Spit or schools of friendly nurse sharks in the Hol Chan Marine Reserve.


The dress code is basic, clocks are rarely consulted, and an easygoing barefoot way of life is the norm in Belize, a country with locals that are world-renowned for their friendliness, amiability, and warm hospitality.

Waterfalls and River

Whether it’s admiring the stunning vista from the base of Thousand Foot Falls (the highest waterfall in Central America) or canoeing down pristine waterways like the Macal River, Belize is a land with wonderful nature areas to explore and photograph.

The Food

Enjoy Central American favorites like rice and beans, Mexican classics like escabeche, British standards like hot cross buns, spicy Caribbean dishes, unique Garifuna foods such as cassava bread, and, of course, lots and lots of delicious seafood.


Whether you want to play castaway for a day or simply admire an unforgettable sunrise over the Caribbean, Belize has hundreds of gorgeous tropical islands.

Chabil Mar

A multiple award-winning luxury resort located right on the Caribbean coast of the Placencia Peninsula in southeastern Belize, Chabil Mar  offers Belize jungle and sea vacations so that visitors can experience a truly un-Belize-able experience.

Visit our website for more information on Belize, and don’t hesitate to send us an email, or call US/CAN Toll Free: 1-866-417-2377, Local: (011-501) 523-3606, if you have questions or need help in planning a Belize vacation.


10 Fascinating Facts About the Blue Hole in Belize

Easily recognizable from space, the Belize Blue Hole, sometimes known as the Great Blue Hole, is one of the most iconic dive spots in Belize.

Here are 10 fascinating facts about the Belize Blue Hole:

1 – Size and Dimensions

The Belize Blue Hole is almost perfectly circular in shape, measuring 300 meters (984 feet) across and 108 meters (354 feet) deep.

2 – The Largest Sea Hole in the World

The Belize Blue Hole is the largest sea hole in the world. Sea holes refer to caves that were submerged when rising waters covered them. Most sea holes, just like the Belize Blue Hole, were submerged at the end of the last great Ice Age some 10,000 years ago.

3 – Location

The Belize Blue Hole is located approximately 100 kilometers (62 miles) offshore of Belize City. The perimeter of the Blue Hole is Lighthouse Reef, a natural coral atoll.

4 – Stalactites and Stalagmites

Divers can explore thousands of stalactites and stalagmites that were formed when the Blue Hole was an aboveground series of caverns.

5 – Jacques Cousteau

Legendary French documentarian and marine biologist Jacques Cousteau visited the Blue Hole in 1971. He later described the Blue Hole as one of his top favorite 10 dive sites in the world.

6 – The Name

The name “Great Blue Hole” comes from British diver Ned Middleton who wrote a book about his career as a diver in 1988 named “Ten Years Underwater”. Although the Blue Hole was charted by the Spanish, no one is sure what name they gave for the region.

7 – Discovery Channel

In 2012, the Discovery Channel ranked the Belize Blue Hole as the #1 most amazing place on Earth.

8 – UNESCO World Heritage Site

The Belize Blue Hole is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, part of a vast barrier reef that is the second-largest barrier reef in the world after Australia’s Great Barrier Reef.

9 – Charles Darwin

In 1836, on his around the world voyage aboard the HMS Beagle, Charles Darwin visited the Belize Barrier Reef and declared it the “most remarkable coral reefs” in the entire Caribbean.

10 – Experienced Divers Only

Due to the challenges of diving the Belize Blue Hole, only divers who have completed at least 24 divers are allowed to explore the Belize Blue Hole.

About The Belize Blue Hole

Long a secret known only to Belizean fisherman, the Belize Blue Hole became famous in 1971 when legendary marine biologist and undersea explorer Jacques Cousteau visited the site.
Cousteau and his crew aboard the Calypso explored the depths of the Blue Hole, confirming that it had been created thousands of years ago when rising tides flooded a network of caves. Declared by Cousteau as one of the top 10 best diving spots on the planet, the Belize Blue Hole is located approximately 60 miles (100 km) from the coast of Belize.
A nearly perfectly circular body of water, the Belize Blue Hole is surrounded by the Lighthouse Reef Atoll. Divers can use the shallow waters of the atoll’s lagoon to begin their descent to the now-flooded cave that contains stalactites and stalagmites up to 40 feet (12 meters) in length.The coral atoll surrounding the Belize Blue Hole has an inner ring of shallow, lighter colored water that forms a natural ring around the deeper sapphire waters of the flooded cave.
Thousands of years ago when the cave flooded, the Belize Blue Hole was formed, a vertical entrance over 980 feet (300 meters) across with a bottom more than 400 feet (125 meters) below the sea’s surface today.As divers descend into the Great Blue Hole, the dark waters start to become more clear, allowing for an impressive view of the flooded cave network that is home to a variety of marine life, including a few elusive hammerhead sharks.

Due to the complexity and depth of the dive, only experienced divers are permitted to explore the majestic underwater formations that make the Belize Blue Hole such a unique dive site.

The Blue Hole is located along the Belize Barrier Reef, a UNESCO World Heritage Site part of the second-largest barrier reef system in the world.

An almost perfectly circular area of dark topaz water encircled by the Lighthouse Atoll on the Belize Barrier reef, the Great Blue Hole is one of the most intriguing and popular places to dive anywhere on Planet Earth.

Facts About The Belize Blue Hole

1.) The Blue Hole measures about 1,000 feet in circumference and is more than 400 feet deep. It is the largest natural formation of this type found anywhere in the world.

2.) The Blue Hole was formed at the end of the last Ice Age when rising seawaters flooded a series of enormous caverns. Geologists have determined that the caves first formed about 153,000 years ago and were completely submerged approximately 15,000 years ago.

3.) The Blue Hole is approximately 60 miles offshore from Belize City and is part of the Belize Barrier Reef, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

4.) In 1971, famed French marine biologist Jacques Cousteau visited the Blue Hole with his boat Calypso, declaring it one of the top 10 diving spots on the planet.

5.) The underwater caves of the Blue Hole are filled with giant stalactites, proof that it once existed above water.

6.) The Blue Hole is home to several species of sharks, including bull sharks, Caribbean reef sharks, and the elusive hammerhead shark.

7.) In 2012, the Discovery Channel ranked the Blue Hole as #1 on its list of 10 Most Amazing Places on Earth.

8.) The Blue Hole is visible from space, easily identifiable by its unique circular formation and location within the midst of the greater Belize Barrier Reef.

9.) The name “Blue Hole” was coined by the British diver Ned Middleton in his book “10 Years Underwater” published in 1988.

10.) Due to the complexity of diving required, the Blue Hole is restricted to experienced divers only with a minimum of 24 completed dives.

What It’s Really Like To Dive The Great Blue Hole

The Mysterious Belize Great Blue Hole is a large underwater hole off the coast of Belize. It lies near the center of Lighthouse Reef, a small atoll 100 kilometers (62 mi) from the mainland and Belize City. The hole is perfectly circular in shape, over 300 meters (1000 ft) across, 3140 feet circumference and 125 meters (410 ft) deep.

Read also: Dive the Great Blue Hole of Belize with this Vacation Package

It was formed as a limestone cave system during the last glacial period when the sea level was 400 to 500 feet below present time and was dry land. Last glacial period began about 120,000 years ago and end about 15,000 years ago. Reaching the maximum extension 26,500 years ago. At the end the ocean began to rise, the caves flooded, and the roof collapsed.

Believed to be the world’s largest feature of its kind, the Great Blue Hole is part of the larger Belize Barrier Reef Reserve System, a World Heritage site of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

The hole itself is the opening to a system of caves and passageway that penetrate this undersea mountain. In various places, massive limestone stalactites hang down from what was once the ceiling of air-filled caves thousand of years before the end of the last Ice Age 15,000 years ago. When the ice melted the sea level rose, flooding the caves. This process occurred in stages. Evidence for this are the shelves and ledges, carved into the limestone by the sea, which run the complete interior circumference of the Blue Hole at various depths.

great_blue hole of belize

The Blue Hole is a “karst- eroded sinkhole.” It was once a cave at the center of an underground tunnel complex whose ceiling collapsed. Some of the tunnels are thought to be linked right through to the mainland, though this has never been conclusively proved. Notable are the large population of sharks such as lemon, black tip, reef, hammerhead, and bull sharks.
Mysterious and legends always have been around the Belize Blue Hole.

Read also: Scuba Dive the Great Belize Barrier Reef with this Vacation Package

This was the entrance to Xibalba?. It’s the kind of underwater geology that inspires speculation about aliens creating geometrically perfect anomalies, mermaids and monsters living in darkness.

I explored the bottom of the Blue Hole perimeter (3,140 feet circumference). To do this I dove down twice, reaching the depth of 375′ feet which took 4 to 5 hours of diving each day.
Video Music:
Start to 2:18 min. “Dawn From Four Sea Interludes” by Benjamin Britten
2:18 to 4:37 min. “300 Violin Orchestra” by Jorge Quintero
4:37 to End “Groove Armada” from Tomb Raider Soundtrack

Video and Blog courtesy of Ramon Llaneza

If you would like to explore the wonders of the Belize Blue Hole, the resort of Chabil Mar has a comprehensive scuba diving vacation package that includes a guided trip to the Blue Hole.

For more information about the Blue Hole or Belize, feel free to chat with our Concierge at: or contact our Reservations Manager at: Or perhaps you would like to call toll free from the US or Canada: 1-866-417-2377.




Where Is Belize?

Belize is located in Central America between Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula and Guatemala. Belize is the only English-speaking country in the region and has a long coastline on the Caribbean Sea.

Although relatively small, Belize has an incredibly diverse landscape, including misty mountains, enormous waterfalls, pristine rivers, savannah, jungles teeming with wildlife, massive cave systems, and hundreds of offshore islands along the Belize Barrier Reef, the second-largest barrier reef in the world.

Misconceptions About Belize

Is Belize an island?

No. Belize is on the mainland of Central America, although it does have hundreds of offshore islands.

Is Belize located in the Caribbean?

Belize has a Caribbean culture as well as a lengthy coastline along the Caribbean, but Belize is not technically “in” the Caribbean as it is located on the mainland of Central America.

Is Belize located in South America?

No. Belize is in Central America. For purists that only consider South and North America to be true continents, Belize would be located in North America.

Is Belize in Honduras?

No. Belize was called British Honduras back during the colonial days, but it got this name because the southern part of the country opens onto the Bay of Honduras. Today, Belize and Honduras are two separate nations separated by a narrow band of land belonging to Guatemala. It takes about two hours with a boat to travel from Punta Gorda in the south of Belize to Puerto Cortez in Honduras.

What’s the Right Way to Spell Belize?

Over the centuries, Belize has been spelled lots of different ways, including Belieze, Belise, Balize, and Beleez. The official name of the country in English is Belize, which you better “Belize” matters to the people who live there!

Facts About Belize

  • The official location of Belize is 17 degrees 15 minutes north and 88 degrees 45 west.
  • Belize has approximately 360,000 people.
  • English is the official language of Belize but other languages spoken in the country include Spanish, Mennonite German, Maya, and Garifuna.
  • Belize is about two hours flying time from Miami or Dallas/Houston.
  • Belize has 240 miles (386 km) of Caribbean coastline and hundreds of offshore islands.
  • Belize has a landmass of around 8,860 square miles (22,960 square km), just a bit bigger than the state of Massachusetts.
  • The highest point of land in Belize is Doyle’s Delight at 3,688 feet (1,124 meters).
  • Islands in Belize are known as “cayes” (pronounced “keys”).

Belize Maps

Map of Placencia Belize

Map of Placencia and Chabil Mar

Only about 2,000 year-round residents live in the village located on the southern tip of the Placencia Peninsula. The village is a fifteen-minute stroll along the beach or 5-minutes by bike, kayak or paddle board from Chabil Mar. (Click on the Map for Larger Image and to Zoom)

Belize Map in relation to Central America

Central America with Belize

Belize shares its northern border with Mexico and is bounded on the west and south by the nation of Guatemala.  (Click on the Map for Larger Image and to Zoom)

Placencia Reef and Dive Locations Map


Many of the best diving spots along the reef are just minutes from Chabil Mar. This map shows these, including Laughing Bird Caye and Gladden Spit. (Click on the Map for Larger Image and to Zoom)

Belize Diving Map

Belize Dive Map

Diving locations in and around the Belize Barrier Reef are numerous, and this map shows the best spots. (Click on the Map for Larger Image and to Zoom)

Belize Atolls Map

belize atolls map

Often described as a “coral atoll”, an atoll is a ring of coral that has a lagoon in its center. The circumference of the atoll is dry land, and Belize has hundreds of these atolls in the Caribbean up and down the Belize Barrier Reef. (Click on the Map for Larger Image and to Zoom)

Belize Geography Map

belize geographical map

Belize has a varied geography, with rolling hills and higher elevations in the southwest and west to lush agricultural flat lands in the north and southeast. Rainforest and jungle occupy much of Belize, and the country has a long coastline on the Caribbean with hundreds of offshore islands. (Click on the Map for Larger Image and to Zoom)

Map of Placencia, Belize


This 16-mile long finger of land is located on the coast of southeastern Belize in Stann Creek District. Chabil Mar is located just north of the village on the eastern side of the peninsula. (Click on the Map for Larger Image and to Zoom)

For more information about Belize, feel free to chat with our Concierge at: or contact our Reservations Manager at: Or perhaps you would like to call toll free from the US or Canada: 1-866-417-2377.





25 Things You Need to Know Before You Travel to Placencia Belize

Placencia Belize
Placencia Beaches

One of the most popular destinations in Belize, Placencia is a charming, low-key fishing village located at the southern tip of the Placencia Peninsula in southeastern Belize. Bordered on one side by a lovely mangrove-lined lagoon and on the other by the Caribbean Sea, Placencia is renowned for having some of the most beautiful beaches in the country.

The Placencia Peninsula measures approximately 19 miles from north to south but is just half a mile wide. With the look and feel of an island, it’s no surprise that Placencia is often described as the “caye (island) you can drive to.” But despite its popularity as a tourist destination, the main activities in Placencia are strolling the beach or motoring around on an electric golf cart.

The southeastern coast of Belize is famous for its natural beauty. Although luxury resorts and condominium developments have sprung up, Placencia has successfully managed to retain its old-world charm. Locals still head out to sea every morning in small boats to bring in the daily catch, and visitors can meander along the village’s 4,000-foot long “main street” that is a pedestrian-only sidewalk adorned with colorful murals and artwork.

Placencia is just one of three villages located on the peninsula but has lovely shops, charming cafes, seafood restaurants, a small medical clinic, and an airfield.

Whether you coming for a family vacation, a destination wedding, or romantic honeymoon, Placencia is one of the most beautiful spots in the country. It also serves as the gateway to the southern reef, a mecca for maritime activities such as snorkeling, scuba diving, fishing, and sailing.

And on the mainland, nearby attractions include hiking through the vast Cockscomb Basin Nature Reserve (home to some of Central America’s last surviving jaguars), learning about native wildlife and plants on a boat trip up the aptly named Monkey River, and touring ancient Maya ruins such as Nim Li Punit and Lubantuum.

Placencia Belize Guide
Silk Cayes, a popular snorkeling destination off the coast of Placencia

Lonely Planet, the largest travel guide book publisher in the world describes Placencia as follows:

“How you wind up feeling about Placencia really depends on what you’re looking for. If it’s laid-back ambience, varied accommodations and some of the best restaurants in Southern Belize,  this beachfront paradise may well prove to be your personal Margaritaville. If it’s off-the-beaten-path adventure and cheaper living you’re after,Placencia might serve better as a way-station. Come on down for a few days of sandy beaches, sunny skies and great seafood before heading off to less trodden paths.”

If you are traveling to Placencia very soon, here are 25 things you need to know:

Placencia Belize Guide - Where to Stay
Chabil Mar in Placencia Belize
  1. Placencia Village sits at the very tip of the narrow 16 mile Placencia Peninsula in Southern Belize.
  2. Chabil Mar is located in Placencia Village. While other resorts along the Peninsula regularly advertise their location as Placencia Village, they are on the Placencia Peninsula as much as 12 miles north of the Village, in the communities of Seine Bight and Maya Beach, for instance.
  3. To a lot of people, the Placencia Peninsula feels like an Island but it is not. Less than 2000 people live in Placencia Village.
  4. The Placencia Peninsula is also home to two other communities: Seine Bight and Maya Beach.
  5. The name “Placencia” is actually a distortion of Punta Placentia, the name the Spaniards gave to the peninsula in the 1800s.
  6. In English, it means Point Pleasant.
  7. The Main Street in Placencia Village is just a sidewalk! In fact, the “Guinness Book of World Records” recognizes it as the narrowest main street in the world.

    Placencia Belize Guide - Things to See and Do
    Whale Sharks off the coast of Placencia Belize
  8. Many people visit Placencia during the months of April, May and June to swim, dive or snorkel with giant whale sharks at the Gladden Spit Marine Reserve.
  9. Placencia’s Lobsterfest is the village’s most famous festival and is held in July of every year. In 2013, the Placencia Lobsterfest won an award from the Belize Tourism Board as the Festival of the Year!
  10. An Arts Festival is held in February each year, that brings artists from all over Belize to showcase their art along the 4071 foot (3/4 mile), 4 foot wide Placencia Sidewalk.
  11. Placencia was once a sleepy fishing village.
  12. The Placencia Peninsula boasts 16 miles of tranquil beaches.
  13. Many travelers who vacation in Placencia do the Monkey River and the Cockscomb Basin Wildlife Sanctuary Tours.

    Placencia Belize Attractions
    Cockscomb Basin Wildlife Sanctuary is one of the top tours to do from Placencia
  14. Placencia has a range of Belize resorts and hotels that can fit almost any budget.
  15. Placencia is 35 minutes away from Belize City by air.
  16. The road into Placencia Village is bordered by the lagoon on one side and the turquoise Caribbean on the other, and ends at the end of the Peninsula.
  17. Placencia is world renowned for offshore fishing, diving and snorkeling.
  18. Placencia is also well known for its very laid-back, no-shoes ambience where locals go out of their way to make sure you enjoy your visit.

    Placencia Belize Guide - Things to See and Do
    Laughing Bird Caye is another popular attraction that is located off the coast of Placencia
  19. The average temperature in sub-tropical Placencia is 80 degrees Fahrenheit.
  20. Anytime of the year is  good to visit Placencia.
  21. Getting around Placencia is very easy.
  22. Francis Ford Coppola, the American Film Director, Producer and Screenwriter owns a resort in Placencia.
  23. Placencia is home to many world class luxury resorts like Chabil Mar.
  24. Laughing Bird Caye is a favorite camping site for reef kayakers who base their expeditions in Placencia.
  25. Placencia is also known for its great food and restaurants.
  26. The Placencia Lagoon is an imperative breeding area for saltwater crocodiles, marine turtles and the rare and endangered manatees.

Visit our website for more information on Placencia Belize, and don’t hesitate to send us an email, or call US/CAN Toll Free: 1-866-417-2377, Local: (011-501) 523-3606, if you have questions or need help in planning your Belize vacation.

Here Are 5 Fun Things To See And Do in Placencia Belize in January 2025

January, a month often synonymous with cold and dreary weather in many parts of the world, is transformed into a time of vibrant celebration and warmth in Belize. Placencia, a stunning peninsula known for its pristine beaches and rich cultural experiences, emerges as a perfect escape from the winter blues.

For those visiting Placencia in January 2025, there are numerous fun things to see and do, offering an ideal blend of relaxation and adventure. From exploring the colorful marine life through snorkeling to enjoying local festivals, the activities are endless. As we venture into the heart of this paradise in January 2025, we find ourselves wrapped in an experience that is both invigorating and relaxing, filled with unique opportunities to explore and enjoy.

Welcoming 2025 in Placencia Style

belize and placencia in 2024

The new year in Placencia is not just a change of calendar; it’s a festive, joyous affair that sets the tone for the rest of your visit. As 2025 dawns, the air is electric with excitement. The beaches come alive with sparkling lights and music, creating a festive atmosphere that is both exhilarating and uniquely Belizean. The New Year’s Eve celebrations here are a delightful mix of local traditions and modern festivity, offering a memorable way to ring in the new year under a canopy of stars.

Relax on Placencia Beaches

Discover the Best Beaches of Belize

While much of the world is bundled up against the cold, Placencia’s beaches offer a sunny respite. Recognized as the best in the country, these stretches of sand are more than just a picturesque setting; they are a haven for relaxation and rejuvenation. Imagine lounging on soft sands, listening to the gentle waves, and feeling the warm sun melting away the stress of the previous year. The beaches here are not just beautiful; they are therapeutic.

Tours Cockscomb Basin Wildlife Sanctuary and Monkey River

The Enigmatic Howler Monkeys

For nature enthusiasts, Placencia is a gateway to some of the most breathtaking natural wonders in Belize. A nature tour in January is a refreshing adventure. The Cockscomb Basin Wildlife Sanctuary, a haven for jaguars and a myriad of other wildlife offers an immersive experience in Belize’s lush jungle. The Monkey River tour, meanwhile, is a delightful journey through mangroves, where curious howler monkeys and diverse bird species captivate visitors. These tours are not just excursions; they are vivid stories written by nature itself.

Snorkel or Scuba Dive the Belize Barrier Reef

snorkeling in placencia belize

Placencia’s proximity to the Belize Barrier Reef makes it an ideal spot for snorkeling and scuba diving. The reef, teeming with marine life, is a world waiting to be explored. Sites like Laughing Bird Caye and the Silk Cayes are underwater sanctuaries where divers can swim alongside a rainbow of fish, graceful rays, and perhaps even gentle sea turtles. Each dive is a discovery, and each snorkel trip is an encounter with the miraculous beauty of the underwater world.

Explore The Vibrant Life of Placencia Village

No visit to Placencia in January is complete without exploring the heart of its community: Placencia Village. This charming community buzzes with life, offering a glimpse into the soul of Belizean culture. A stroll through the village in January is a feast for the senses, with beach bars and restaurants offering an array of culinary delights. Each establishment, from the quaint to the sophisticated, tells a story, inviting visitors to become a part of Placencia’s vibrant community, even if just for a meal or a refreshing drink.

Chabil Mar – Your Dream Stay in Placencia

Discover the Best Beaches of Belize This Fall

As you plan your unforgettable January 2025 getaway to Placencia, consider making Chabil Mar your home base. Our stunning beach resort, nestled near all the attractions mentioned above, is more than just a place to stay. It is an experience, a part of your journey. With a variety of Belize vacation packages, Chabil Mar ensures that your visit is not just a trip but a tapestry of memorable moments. In Placencia, every day is an invitation to explore, relax, and celebrate the joy of life, especially in the warmth of January.

Don’t miss out on this exceptional experience; book your stay at Chabil Mar now and transform your January into a story of adventure and relaxation.

For more information about Placencia,  feel free to chat with our Concierge at: or contact our Reservations Manager at: Or perhaps you would like to call toll free from the US or Canada: 1-866-417-2377.
